Heather + David’s Extended Same Day Film
Cinematography: Dave Williams and John M. White Editor: Jonathan Sutton Music Licensed through TheMusicBed.com Venue: One Atlantic Photography: Kay English Photography Entertainment: Dynamic Crew
Heather + David’s Same Day Film
Cinematography: Dave Williams and John M. White Editor: Jonathan Sutton Music Licensed through TheMusicBed.com Venue: One Atlantic Photography: Kay English Photography Entertainment: Dynamic Crew
Nicole and Myles’ Extended Wedding Trailer
Cinematography: Brendon Costello and Tamer Tewfik All music licensed through SongFreedom.com Venue: One Atlantic Photography: Jessica Erb Photography Entertainment: Scratch Weddings Caterer: One Atlantic
Tracey & Eric’s CinemaCake Film
Janine and Justin’s Coming Soon Trailer
Cinematographers: Jordan Oplinger, Jimmy Shelton, Dave Williams Venue: One Atlantic Photographer: Marie Labbancz Entertainment: Jellyroll
Janine and Justin’s Reception Reveal
Steadicam: Dave Williams Editor: Jordan Oplinger Audio: Jimmy Shelton Venue: One Atlantic Photographer: Marie Labbancz Entertainment: Jellyroll
Tracey & Eric’s Same Day Edit
Cinematographers: Dave Williams, Steve Rudick, Tamer Tewfik Cinematography: CinemaCake Filmmakers Photography: Michael Branscom Venue: One Atlantic Entertainment: Versatile Entertainment, NJ Music licensed through SongFreedom
Lisa & Cesar’s Coming Soon Trailer
Reception Venue One Atlantic Photography by mkPhotography Cinematography by CinemaCake Cinematographers: Jimmy Shelton and Jordan Oplinger Editors: Jordan Oplinger