The Art of the Ask

Growing up, my mom was always giving great advice to me and my siblings.  She would give us tips on everything from how to do well in school to how to act when you meet your significant other’s parents for the first time,  but she always had a special piece of advice for my brother: “When the time comes, he needs to plan an amazing proposal.”  It’s sound advice, because as she pointed out, the guy in a relationship gets one shot at planning an incredible and memorable event.  Once his girlfriend says, “yes” and the engagement ring is on, she takes over planning the wedding (and almost every major event in their lives).  If you want to impress your families and friends and really show your girlfriend she’s the one, you have to plan an amazing and thoughtful ask.  

But how is a boyfriend supposed to plan the perfect proposal that will surprise his bride-to-be and have it go off without a hitch?  That’s where the professionals come in!  I talked to Melissa Brannon (Fairy Godmother/Bad-Ass, and Owner of Uncommon Events) who gave us the following advice: “ are going to pop the question – but how? This is the most important question you will ever “ask” and it should be planned like a military operation!  Having a professional planner involved, you get a fool-proof plan for every moment before the “down on one knee” and after. (The after part is important too!)”

Ok, so you bring in a great event planner and lay out the perfect proposal for your soon-to-be fiancée; it looks like you’re off to a great start!  Now you need to figure out how you are going to immortalize the ask.  It will be a big moment for both of you and one you will want to relive with family and friends right away, as well as with your children and grandchildren for years to come!  Melissa agrees that filming your ask is one detail you should not skip.  “Imagine….you captured it on film so she can relive the most personal moment of the beginning of your lives together. Wicked cool.”  CinemaCake has created some amazing proposal films to commemorate this huge moment in any couple’s lives.  Check out the film that we created for Praveen and Ramya’s proposal:  

Praveen “popping the question” to Ramya

CinemaCake and Uncommon Events recently teamed up to make Leila and Rian’s proposal an event they will never forget.  Rian wanted to surprise Leila in Philadelphia, so he brought in Melissa and her team to transform a park bench in Rittenhouse Square into a romantic spot for two!  The groom-to-be knew that he wanted to share the moment with their families right away, but he didn’t want to ruin the surprise.  Dave Williams (CinemaCake) scouted the location and set up two hidden cameras to catch the whole event without raising any suspicion.  Check out the beautiful ask below:

So, to all the boyfriends out there who are ready to take the next step: it’s not hard to plan the perfect ask!  If you bring in the right professionals and capture the ask on film, you will create a memorable moment that will make your bride say “Yes” and make your mother incredibly proud.  My mom will be pretty impressed too!


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