Tyler’s Bar Mitzvah Recap

Cinematography: Dave Williams, Matt Peck, Craig Hinkle, and Ryan Bedard of CinemaCake Filmmakers Photography: Susan Beard Design Venue: Green Valley Country Club Entertainment: Hot Hot Hot Entertainment Music licensed through SongFreedom.com

Matthew and Ethan CinemaCake B’nai Mitzvah Recap

Cinematography: Jonathan Sutton, Rick Stevens, and Taylor Duscha Editor: Jonathan Sutton Photography: Steve Ladner Photography Event Design: Evantine Design Venue: Simeone Automotive Museum Catering : Leslie Rosen Catering Entertainment: Norma Michaels Entertainment: Gotham

Sabrina’s Bat Mitzvah Recap

Cinematography: Jonathan Sutton, Jason Edelstein, and Dave Williams Editor: Angel Lugo Music Licensed Through: SongFreedom.com and TheMusicBed.com Photography: Pictures by Todd Design: Evantine Design Service Venue: Congregation Or Ami Party Venue: Green Valley Country Club Entertainment: Darrel Martin

Alexa’s Bat Mitzvah Recap

Cinematography: Dave Williams, Tamer Tewfick, and Kirk McCamish Editor: Jonathan Sutton Photography: Marie Labbancz Photography Event Coordinator: Evantine Design Venue: Rittenhouse Hotel Entertainment: EBE Florist: Evantine Design

Logan’s Party Recap

Cinematography: Matt Peck and Gino Canella Editor: Jonathan Sutton All music licensed through SongFreedom.com Venue: Philmont Country Club Entertainment: NY Entertainment