Award Winning Cinematic Films

Cakers / Dave Williams

Owner Dave smiling

Dave Williams


Dave has had a camera in his hand since the days of Super8 in the late 70s when he was the family documentarian.  

When Dave and his best friend Steve started filming together professionally in 2001, they knew they had something special.  Now, with a full staff and over 1000 shoots under their belts, CinemaCake is rich with experience and talent, attracting companies and families from around the country and around the world, to tell their stories.

Dave is known for always being on the cutting edge of technology and for being the first to explore something new for the betterment of the industry. He is an educator and an artist, and has inspired many young filmmakers to better their craft. He is as passionate about his work now as he was when he started the business many years ago.  

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