Award Winning Cinematic Films

Vegas Music Video Shoot and Dancers in the Desert!

What’s the first thing on your checklist when you know you’ll be heading out into the desert for the day?  Batteries charged?  Check!  PVC from Home Depot?  Check.  Of course none of us thought to bring food or water.  Ha!!!

We spent one day in the desert town of Nelson.  You can see every house from Main Street.  All are on wheels.  Shooting a music video for Hannah Violet was a challenge, but rain and the lack of food and water was not going to stop us!  Our music video crew included Jordan Oplinger, Matt Jeppsen, and Abad Rosa.

We were a little concerned about one of the locals who stopped by and screamed “where’s your license!”  We were not worried because Abad told us under his breath, “If I had a dime for every stranger I’ve buried in the desert. . .”

Working with Hannah was wonderful.  I think she had the hardest time of all.  I mean who wants to work in 40 degree weather in a sun dress?

The day didn’t seem to end.  We spent the night cruising (and shooting) the strip with the DiCicco’s in our pimped out 1958 Pontiac Star Chief Convertible.  Yes, with the top down of course.  Who knew Vegas would be 40 degrees?

Then it was off to Red Rock Canyon for a photo shoot with Sofia Negron.

Photography by Jordan Oplinger and Sophia Negron.

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